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  • News

    News:Welcome to the PAC-Cast!

    Welcome to the PAC-Cast! We are the Peer Action Collective, a group of young people researching and working to reduce Youth Violence in Merseyside. We hope to achieve this by interviewing 10-20 year old’s in Merseyside, and using the findings to create dynamic and meaningful social action. So – why listen to the PAC-Cast? Well,…
  • Story

    Story:Lily’s story

    To celebrate this year’s International Youth Day, we chat with Lily to find out why she decided to get involved in PAC and how she’s getting along. Why did you want to get involved in PAC ? “I decided to get involved in PAC because through studying youth work at degree level my passion in…
  • Story

    Story:How PAC helped open my eyes!

    How PAC helped open my eyes! I started PAC in April 2022 as an apprentice Project Officer at Volunteering Matters Ipswich. This project has really opened my eyes about our community and the seriousness of youth violence around Ipswich. Its impact has made me change some parts of my own personal life! Being on PAC…
  • News

    News:PAC in Sheffield hit the headlines!

    PAC peer researchers from Sheffield Wednesday Community Programme have been making a splash in the media this month, with local TV news, radio and newspaper all knocking at their door to find out more about their amazing work. If you missed the coverage, you can catch up below! BBC Look North BBC Radio Sheffield Read…
  • Story

    Story:Pearl’s story

    I joined PAC as I wanted to be part of a project which enabled young people to feel empowered. This project allows us as young people to find ways and gain a deeper knowledge of a topic that is usually dismissed and left for adults to “figure out”. I joined this project to be able…
  • Story

    Story:Izzy’s story

    Initially, I hoped that by joining PAC, I could help other people or be a small part in a combined effort of improving my local area and places across the country. Since joining, these hopes have transformed into aspirations beyond what I thought possible. For example, having the opportunity to be a part of the…
  • Story

    Story:Meg’s story

    By joining the PAC project I hope to learn about where the violence, I grew up fearing, stems from. I want to know how people involved with these crimes (victims or perpetrators) seemed to find themselves involved. I hope to increase the feelings of safety and security for young people by figuring out a way…
  • Story

    Story:Stories from Media Academy Cymru

    Cerys (20), Newport   “In Wales there’s been a rise of youth violence and I hope to improve or impact someone’s life for the good. I would like to help people who believe that they are in a bad situation and trapped, realise that there’s always a way out, you’ve just got to find the right…
  • Story

    Story:Sabrina’s story

    What were you hoping to improve by joining PAC in your community or the UK as a whole?  “I joined Lambeth PAC [LPAC] because I just wanted to try and help other young people in the area. An opportunity to help others like this isn’t something that comes across often, so I wanted to take…
  • Story

    Story:Shueib’s story

    What were you hoping to improve by joining PAC in your community or the UK as a whole? Can you describe why this matters to you?   “I’m hoping to make changes to my local area and bring some differences to the community. No one should have to go through the violence I have seen and…
  • Story

    Story:Iysha’s story

    I joined the PAC project because as a young survivor of domestic abuse, I want to make safe places for young people, I want to give them the voice that they deserve. St Helens took me in when we fled, I want to give back. I just hope to show people that young people are…
  • Story

    Story:Shamza’s story

    Having witnessed crime first-hand and seen the effects of the pandemic on my friends, I’m so excited to be part of this project, which will support over 6,000 young people and help me help my generation to heal and thrive. Co-op is already doing fantastic work in local communities – it’s fantastic that they’ve partnered…
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